

  • Creator
  • #279

    I calibrated a sharp LC-58D85U last night and got reasonable gray scale tracking but ended up with a gamma curve of about 1.7. What if anything can I do to adjust the gamma curve itself?

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  • #1261
    Gregg Loewen

    I will also let Michael chime in here.
    Did you use the 6×3 point system to adjust the gray scale? If so….you can pull down some of the center points to increase the gamma curve.
    Use the ColorFacts gamma calculator, or the gamma calculator that is built into CalMan.


    I haven’t seen an 85 series yet so I don’t know what is in the SM at the moment.


    OK, I didn’t even go into the service menu to be honest as there was reasonable features in the user menu and it was a favor calibration for my brother. I guess I’ll have to see what the service menu has to offer, assuming that I can get into it.

    Gregg Loewen

    the back light adjustment (there is also an auto mechanism) might also be able to be manipulated to increase the gamma.


    I turned off most of the user accessible auto features as they were very obtrusive. There is a light sensor on the unit somewhere and every time that someone walks across the room the image gets lighter and darker. I suppose some people would like it for the gadget factor but I prefer not to have things changing all the time, the client agreed.

    The house is being painted all this week but I”ll try to get in the service menu next week and report back on what I find. I do recall some movement in the gamma curve on another sharp that I calibrated through the service menu a few months back. I experienced the same issues on a Toshiba LCD last week but still saw a marked improvement with Greyscale and CMS.

    Any other pointers on Gamma would certainly be be appreciated as I haven’t seen any true “simple” Gamma curve control. I assume that all the accuracy in the world on greyscale and CMS system readins is lost if the curve is that far off.


    Gregg Loewen

    unless the display has mode presets (with perhaps different gamma settings), or gamma presets, or multiple point gray scale adjustments (pull all RGB down in the middle adjustments) then the gamma will be what it is.

    A lower number may be favorable in a room with ambient lighting.

    Good luck!!


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