Sports Only Viewing

Sports Only Viewing

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  • #490

    Is there a recommended Gamma/FL value for Sports only viewing. Movie/People look great, but it just seems like it needs to be brighter for sports. (LCD/Plasma)

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  • #2035
    Gregg Loewen

    not really
    they should be the same.
    However most people tend to watch sports with some lights on, so set it up as a day time mode…..gamma 1.8-2.o ish, and light output at 50 fL.


    Just like movies go through TV studios with all their displays set up correctly (Hopefully) … same happens on sports and kids shows and everything else. TV studios do not change out their equipment simply because it is sports. It’s still D65 … and the light output rules still apply. Unless you can pin down the environment that people are watching sports in … (good luck) … the rules do not change. Still a reference mode for reference viewing and a day mode for when the environment is variable and when the material does not matter.

    Light output rules are still the same. Use the rule of thumb … if it hurts your head to hit it against the wall, you should stop. 🙂 (And it isn’t set your TV to 35 FL either.)


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