Re: DVDO Duo – Video Processor CMS Unit only $799 to THX Attendees

Re: DVDO Duo – Video Processor CMS Unit only $799 to THX Attendees

Home Forums General Chit Chat and Other Stuff DVDO Duo – Video Processor CMS Unit only $799 to THX Attendees Re: DVDO Duo – Video Processor CMS Unit only $799 to THX Attendees


Love competition. Always good for the end user (as long as quality does not suffer in the process). If this works as advertised, it certainly is an interesting alternative.

Questions that come to mind and I certainly do not have the answer to – clearly someone with experience with Lumagen and this unit could address:

1) A number of other processors have done funky things to the signals. It’s pretty well known that Lumagen does not introduce new errors when correcting other errors. How does this unit stack up in that category?

2) Lumagen allows the user to adjust one parameter and is smart enough to adjust everything accordingly so you do not screw up another parameter that you already adjusted. How does this stack up?

3) Apparently ChromaPure plans to integrate this with its software, while Calman has Lumagen integration with v4.0. With the lack of Chromapure Pro and varied meter support, is Calman planning support for DVO as well? If not, that could certainly be a possible time killer for a calibrator.

4) According to info out today, DVO is planning 3D firmware update for Q3. Is this a free update or is there a charge to “unlock” 3D as that appears the route Lumagen appears to be following.

5) Does the unit actual do full processing on the 3D as the Lumagen does or is it just pass through?

All in all, an interesting low price alternative. Will be interesting to hear how the unit stands up within the above parameters.