Join the PVA Membership

Join the PVA Membership

Questions about joining? Email us for details, we would love to hear from you!

There are 2 types of PVA Memberships: Corporate and Individual.

Corporate Membership Details

PVA member companies will have exposure on the PVA website, and PVA Certified Video Professionals will listed on the PVA site, in a searchable “PVA Certified Video Professional Finder” database. PVA member companies will be encouraged to work with each other and to share expenses related to any trade show participation.

PVA Individuals (AKA: PVA Certified Video Professionals) will be offered free or discounted product samples as offered by Alliance Corporate members. PVA Certified Video Professionals will also be offered special pricing on products that are offered by Alliance Corporate Members.

Corporate Membership Benefits:

  • Ability to consult with the PVA to improve product performance
  • Ability to offer “PVA Certified” on product that meets PVA standards
  • Website presence on the PVA site with links back to their own sites
  • Additional online presence including Facebook and other relevant mediums
  • Mentions in all PVA Certified Professional Newsletters that will be sent out at least quarterly
  • Opportunity to negotiate discounted PVA Training pricing to their dealers / resellers as part of packaged product sales
  • Select member products can be featured on the PVA website, on a rotating basis
  • Ability to negotiate with the PVA for for customized training classes that can target a particular demographic or product category

Corporate Membership Requirements

Please contact for Corporate Membership Requirements

Individual Membership Requirements

Individuals seeking PVA Certified Professional Status must enroll in PVA Video Calibration and Setup Advanced Training. After the individual attends the Advanced training where they must demonstrate mastery of the skill set they will then have to pass the Certification exam, then must submit 10 calibration reports to further demonstrate mastery of the skill set. During most Trainings, 2-6 calibrations may be performed that would meet this requirement. PVA Certified Professional Status is granted for 1 year after meeting the requirements.

Individuals that have attended a prior LionAV Class, that included a specific Advanced Calibration and HDR sections, and completed the course requirements, may be granted PVA Certified Professional Status, without further training. The PVA recommends reattending the PVA Certified Video Calibration and Setup Training every 2 years to maintain their skill set while upgrading their knowledge.

Individual Membership Benefits:

  • Use of the powerful PVA Certified Video Professional Logo
  • Ability to offer PVA Certified Video Calibrations
  • Access to the private PVA Member only forum.
  • Calibration technical support via Skype, email, and forum
  • Discounts on product from PVA Manufacturers.
  • Listing on the PVA World Wide Calibrator Finder (links on ICA, CSI, and PVA sites)

Please contact for PVA Certified Professional Membership Questions

Please note that for your PVA Membership to become active you will need to activate and process Paypal autorenewal payments when you complete the joining process.

Professional Calibrator
only $100
This is a Recurring Payment (yearly) fee for Membership.
Alliance Manufacturer
only $750
This is a recurrent Payment fee for Membership (after contract is negotiated).
This is only for Manufacturers to give feedback on the forum.