Can someone help me understand why the gamma formula impacts the saturation sweeps.. I’m not clearly seeing the relationship. I have just discovered that if I start with a WF that was saved with a power formula and I do a sat sweep, it doesn’t do a 0 read (which is correct). However, if I change the gamma formula to 1886, then it changes the layout and takes the 100/0. Now the issue I noticed is that if I try to switch back to the power formula, it still reads 100/0. I was doing this with all older workflows and the THX complete as a test. It seems that if it was initially created with power, it works until the formula is changed. Then, it takes a restart of CalMAN to get back to not reading 0.
What has me curious is that if a display can go lower than a meter can read (thinking of a full array backlight and a meter that can’t read that low), then it seems that the 0 will be blown and thus the math is compromised. Is this even remotely correct?