Re: Pioneer PDP-428XD ‘colour management’ tips please

Re: Pioneer PDP-428XD ‘colour management’ tips please

Home Forums Calibration Discussion By Brand Pioneer PDP-428XD ‘colour management’ tips please Re: Pioneer PDP-428XD ‘colour management’ tips please


Dr. Scott,

The CMS in the 8G/9G Pioneers do more harm than good. Best to avoid (u can move one or 2 notches – but it effects greyscale tracking somewhere, always). There are other problems with the 8G Pioneers as well. Colour space 1 is oversaturated whereas Colour Space 2 is right on the money for Rec709. However, there are colour decoder errors in Colour Space 2 and the linearity and luminance jumps about inside the CIE triangle. Colour Space 1 however, much better colour tracking (both linearity and luminance) inside the CIE triangle and might be a better choice. The best way to fix this is to use a video processor in front of the Pio. I use the Video EQ Pro to calibrate in Colour Space 1. Else u can get good charts in Colour Space 2 but the luminance jumps inside the CIE will be a problem. The other option would be to calibrate to 75% sat, 75% luminance, but u will still have colour errors.