Re: Screen Innovations Black Diamond Screens

Re: Screen Innovations Black Diamond Screens

Home Forums General Chit Chat and Other Stuff Screen Innovations Black Diamond Screens Re: Screen Innovations Black Diamond Screens


The screen is an effective fix for compromised viewing environment conditions, but not suitable for reference viewing (contrary to misleading claims by the manufacturer’s marketing department). I witnessed a recent demo at my local AVAD Distributors. The gain is so high, to compensate for all the filtering, that I could readily detect the screen surface while viewing programs. Brighter highlights in an image consistently included distracting sparklies. The horizontal viewing cone is also diminished due to the high gain incorporated in the design. As with most similar solutions, fixes for unfriendly viewing environment conditions usually incorporate their own peculiar compromises to image fidelity and viewing quality.

Best regards and beautiful pictures,
Alan Brown, President
CinemaQuest, Inc.
A Lion AV Consultants Affiliate

“Advancing the art and science of electronic imaging”