Re: Sharp UD1H THX 4K Display

Re: Sharp UD1H THX 4K Display

Home Forums General Chit Chat and Other Stuff Sharp UD1H THX 4K Display Re: Sharp UD1H THX 4K Display

Gregg Loewen

hi Desmond,
Here is the response from Japan / Sharp.

It is impossible to calibrate the THX mode other than change the default setting of UI.
We understand that “THX mode” is “out of box” best tuned mode, so we “don’t” provide any special calibration procedure to it.

This is pretty typical from a manufacturer, many of the engineers do not know how to calibrate their own displays when not directly connecting via a host PC and using proprietary software (and binary code).

If like previous sharp panels, all the controls will be available in the THX mode (or just go to user 1 and calibrate in that mode).

Please let us know what controls the panel allows you to manipulate.