Re: Update on full Video Systems 3 Certification?

Re: Update on full Video Systems 3 Certification?

Home Forums General Chit Chat and Other Stuff Update on full Video Systems 3 Certification? Re: Update on full Video Systems 3 Certification?

Gregg Loewen

hi guys

in the Detroit airport now.

I got an email from Stacey (the webgoddess) last night saying the submission form for calibration approval is now live. On my log in I can see that I have the “betas” for approval but can not personally see where I need to click to to make a submission. Anyhow….

The THX staffers have been working at this real hard and all should be finalized very soon.

Questions to be finalized:
1. where do we submit our calibration reports for certification
2. where / how do we get our calibration kits to give to our clients.
3. how / when do we get our names on the THX site as being Level 3V certified (attended training and passed exam vs both and submitting the 10 reports).
4. clarification on the name of the training level (as I am aware, it is Level 3V).

Doug, does that summarize your questions ?

Let me know if not.

Stay tuned.
