I did a VT25 yesterday with the calman V4 interface and aside from learning the layout a bit, it went well. I still liked the THX mode better ….
The CMS control in the isf modes is not as fine as one would like and could not bring the triangle in to where it was in thx mode after adjusting the color control. Could one tell the difference visually … unlikely.
I did a gamma run using the 5% window from the VF and got gamma values about 0.1 higher than with the typical 20% windows …
If this set is like the JVC projectors … matching grayscale and cms in the ISF modes will not make those modes the same as the THX mode. There are other things “not happening” in the thx mode that are still happening in the custom/isf modes. (This came from the JVC engineers when asked if matching the grayscale and cms in a user mode outside of the thx mode gave the equivalent of the thx mode. Answer was no.)