Re: Panasonic VT30

Re: Panasonic VT30

Home Forums Calibration Discussion By Brand Panasonic VT30 Re: Panasonic VT30


here is what I discovered (on two vt30’s), THX’s Color Control’s internal offset is -7 on my VT30, it’s -9 on another one that I had tested with the help of an VT30 owner (this is converted, internally they are in Hex).. for the other Pictures Modes except the one for games, Color’s internal offset is +1 on mine (basically THX has a different offset). Tint’s internal offset is also different vs the other Picture Modes. You can’t see or adjust these offsets without serial access from the service menu/factory mode and the proper codes.. Panasonic uses these to bring each panel into the required spec(s).

Panasonic should be able to correct the math for this, in 2011 it should be correct… but why isn’t it??! no answer needed, just venting – 🙂