3D Calibration – Discussions on Profiling

3D Calibration – Discussions on Profiling

Home Forums General Chit Chat and Other Stuff 3D Calibration – Discussions on Profiling

  • This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 12 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #659

    I know that during class, for 3D calibration, the method has been explained as ensure the calibration is done thru the lens of a 3D glass and keep in mind that the L/R lense of each glass could be different and there could be glasses to glasses difference.

    How about profiling?

    Spectros were advised to be used for 3D calibration but technically u shd be able to use a colorimeter profiled. If u do, which shd be the method.

    1. Build a profile in 2D using ur colorimeter to a spectro, then just stick a 3D glass on ur colorimeter and use it for 3D (technically profiling is training the spectrum (X,Y,Z) seen by the spectro with the XYZ seen by the colorimeter (but as its filtered to see the light) and a matrix is applied)

    2. Build a profile in 3D again thru the lens using the spectro and colorimeter and use that profile going forward.

    3. Never use a colorimeter for 3D at all for reasons I do not know as yet….

    Has anyone tried this with method 1/2 and see if they are similar. I do not have a 3D display so cannot experiment with it and I doubt a client will hv the patience to wait for me to experiment on his display.

    How do u do 3D?

    I hv done it both ways at clients home but never had the chance to compare the 2 at the same display. Doing no1 saves time as u only need to build the profile once. In the cases where I did use this method, I did not see any major issues with the calibration results when I verified using a greyscale ramp thru the 3D glasses.

    Appreciate the responses.

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  • #2706

    Since 3D is kind of messy in the first place with things like gamma all shot to Hellllllll…. A profiled meter done in 2D should be fine for the 3D. Just looking through a color filter is no different than what we do with anamorphic lense and the lens adding color to image.

    2+1 = 3 … 1+2 = 3 …



    First, a colorimeter will calibrate 3D fine as long as the viewing angle of the meter is not so wide that you can’t get accurate readings through the lens of 3D glasses. If the colorimeter will calibrate 2D well for the display you are working on, it will calibrate 3D equally well. But if the colorimeter has problems with the display tech you are calibrating in 2D mode, it will be just as bad in 3D mode. Some colorimeters have problems with LED light sources… so those won’t work well with LED/LCD in 2D or 3D modes, for example. If the colorimeter has a huge angle of view (picks up light to the sides), it’s going to be difficult to work with for 3D calibration since you only want the profile to correct for light passing through the 3D glasses.

    Spectracal says profiling works for 3D calibration — but I haven’t had time to dig into this to determine if my 2D profile would be good or whether I would need to put the TV in 3D mode, calibrate that to d65 and measure that for my reference for the profile.

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