Acoustically Transparent screens – Help!

Acoustically Transparent screens – Help!

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    I inherently do not like the idea of AT screens as it pertains to the potential image derogation. But I will say I have very little experience viewing these types of screens. Screen Research is woven. How well can a woven screen reproduce a 1080p image?? It’s THX and ISF certified, but what do those guys know??? The Stewart screen has holes that light passes through, less light reflected back to the audience. Also there’s a processor to correct the sound?? And they are way expensive. With all that being said, I have a project coming up that requires an AT screen. Somebody please educate me on who makes a screen that offers the best compromise between audio and video.

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  • #1152

    Not as much light loss on the woven screen versus the perf …

    It’s not just light loss though …it’s also image resolution loss. Detail goes through the holes … does not come back.


    I was with Anthony Grimani of PMI at CEDIA Expo when he was advising another person on this issue. He is a former staff member and instructor for THX. Tony has a substantial background and experience in both high performance audio and video. His favorite at present, with what he considers the least amount of compromises to image and sound performance, is the woven screen from Screen Research.

    Residential sized AT screens seriously compromise 1080P resolution. It may very well be appropriate to recommend a 720P 3-chip DLP light cannon for such an application. They are really lower cost these days.

    Joe Kane reported a Digital Cinema trial in which a critical film industry professional audience could not tell the difference between a 4K and 2K image projected on a 50′ perfed screen. The same audience was also amazed at how much brightness was lost between a 2K image projected on a perfed screen vs. non-perfed.

    Best regards and beautiful pictures,
    Alan Brown, President
    CinemaQuest, Inc.
    A Lion AV Consultants Affiliate

    “Advancing the art and science of electronic imaging”

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