Chimei DTC – 32MK

Chimei DTC – 32MK

Home Forums Calibration Discussion By Brand Chimei DTC – 32MK

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  • #446

    Has anyone had the pleasure of calibrating one of these? The owner didn’t have a manual and I’ve searched high and low but haven’t been able to find a manual online. I was able to adjust the primaries at 80IRE using the gain controls which can be found on the color temperature menu. However, there don’t seem to be any offset adjustments unless they’re tucked away somewhere in a service menu. Does anyone know how to access such a menu if one exists?

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  • #1913

    For TVs with only one set of RGB controls …

    Don’t do 80 … but start at about 60 or 50 … and check the whole range.

    You are looking for a best fit scenario … which may happen if you pick 30/40/50/60 …. test them all and see.

    Priority goes to the mid range being right and the dark end looking reasonable. Not noticably red/green/blue



    Thanks for the response Mike but aren’t we supposed to make adjustments at the dark end using the offset controls. Are you suggesting I can just use the gain controls regardless of grayscale percentage?


    If the controls are not available … then you make due with what there is … unless you want to go buy the service manual for this very off brand TV set.


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