Do we all see colours differently?

Do we all see colours differently?

Home Forums General Chit Chat and Other Stuff Do we all see colours differently?

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  • #677

    I’ve been advocating calibration on the ES8000 thread at AVForums and have encountered quite a bit of resistance from forum members who argue that there’s no point in calibration because everyone perceives colour differently. I wonder how you would argue against this? Is it in fact true that everyone sees colour differently? The various articles I’ve read on the subject appear to be contradictory in this respect. Take a look at this and this. So what’s the THX position?

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  • #2781

    There is no point in arguing the lame illogic. A fundamental understanding of human vision and video imaging is all that is required to understand the issue when simple logic is employed. Such comments also demonstrate a lack of understanding regarding the nature and purpose of display calibration. You can link them to this “sticky” at AVS in the ‘Display Calibration’ section of that forum:

    ‘Display Calibration: Root Fundamentals’

    The logic goes like this- if a calibrated video display fully replicates the shade of green used in AstroTurf, the viewer would see the same color of green on the TV as they see live in the stadium with AstroTurf. The same would occur with replicating in video the shade of blue paint of the car they drive. Their unique color vision is irrelevant to calibrated video. The objective of video mastering is not to appeal to an individual consumer’s color vision, no more so than film mastering is to an individual cinema audience member. The color palette used in video should theoretically be the same for every display, once calibrated to standards. The same goes for cinema.

    Best regards and beautiful pictures,
    Alan Brown, President
    CinemaQuest, Inc.
    A Lion AV Consultants affiliate

    “Advancing the art and science of electronic imaging”


    Thanks for your excellent summary. I’ve posted details on the relevant thread.


    @Julian Scott 3848 wrote:

    Thanks for your excellent summary. I’ve posted details on the relevant thread.

    “Nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public” H. L. Mencken
    “You can’t fix stupid.” Ron White
    Many consumers appear to be incapable of comprehending the concepts of a reference, video programs being an art form, or the value of fidelity. Modern government education has not been emphasizing the importance of thinking analytically or objectively. Our universities have promoted “critical” thinking since the ’60s, but by “critical” the so-called intellectual elites mean to criticize every academic and cultural tradition in order to find alternatives, not analyze and discriminate in a pursuit of excellence. Trophies are given for participation, rather than improvement. Self esteem trumps accuracy and/or mastery. In the video program reproduction process, preference stops at the approval monitor. If an attendee at an art exhibit is caught altering the works, they will be arrested and prosecuted. If an attendee at a commercial cinema insists on whistling along with the soundtrack, or adding supplemental dialog, they will be ushered out. It’s not “all about the art” but “all about me” for some personality types. The controversy you are participating in is a chilling reminder of why I seldom ever venture outside the display calibration forum at AVS any more. Been there, done that so many times it’s stomach-churning.


    So many stupid folk, so few bullets. 🙂

    I don’t know anything about this topic, but I do have an opinion on it. Hmmm … what is the value of an uninformed opinion? Zero … less than zero.


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