i1 Pro vs i1Pro-2

i1 Pro vs i1Pro-2

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  • This topic has 8 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #687

    i1 Pro vs i1Pro-2

    I have i1Pro and consider new i1Pro-2 because I am tired of dark calibration every 10 minutes. New i1Pro suppose to work for 2 hours without dark calibration.
    Any one use i1Pro-2? What are your experiences?

    Best Regards

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  • #2839
    Gregg Loewen

    yes, it is quite nice not having to do the frequent dark readings.


    I have the old i1 but I still don’t DC every ten minutes, give me a break! I usually do it a few times, but if I am certain to DC before I make my final tweaks and take my final post cal that measures and looks great, …what difference does it make whether I followed that cumbersome suggestion repeatedly throughout the process? Perhaps X-rite doesn’t want a user to depend on readings beyond 10 minutes but I am NOT DEPENDING on the readings until I take my FINAL POST CAL. Is there any data on how much the old i1 actually drifts at 30 mins…my experience would suggest not very much . …certainly good enough for getting everything GENERALLY lined up and ready for the a final Dark calibration/finishing touches and post calibration. IMHO

    Gregg Loewen

    hi Charles. Good application….always do a DC prior to a final run of measurements.

    I have seen great visual differences before and after DC. YMMV.

    Gregg Loewen

    when you do gamma runs and 11 point gray scale adjustments…it can quickly become a PITA when the instrument drifts even a few %.


    @Charles Cooper 3928 wrote:

    I have the old i1 but I still don’t DC every ten minutes, give me a break! I usually do it a few times, but if I am certain to DC before I make my final tweaks and take my final post cal that measures and looks great, …what difference does it make whether I followed that cumbersome suggestion repeatedly throughout the process? Perhaps X-rite doesn’t want a user to depend on readings beyond 10 minutes but I am NOT DEPENDING on the readings until I take my FINAL POST CAL. Is there any data on how much the old i1 actually drifts at 30 mins...my experience would suggest not very much . …certainly good enough for getting everything GENERALLY lined up and ready for the a final Dark calibration/finishing touches and post calibration. IMHO

    Yes. http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/showthread.php?t=1323457


    I own two i1Pro’s and I have a i1Pro2. When using the CalMAN software the i1Pro does require a black reading every ten minutes. I would say the i1Pro2 is a big improvement and worth getting. If you are still considering a i1Pro2 “buy it”. If the i1Pro drifts after thirty minutes that would mean during a calibration that the readings constantly becoming progressively worst before the calibration would be finished. Do you really think that this type of information would not have come out in full force on the internet? If you budget can handle it look at the Jedi. The only draw back to the Jedi is that it is not advisable to do continuous reads as the Jedi will require servicing after a time period but it is a very nice spectro.


    I would agree with randal. the pro 2 is definitely better than the eye 1 pro. if only just for NOT having to re-initialize. it also seem s faster than the old one, and technologically, it has 256 sensors inside as opposed to 128. I have a pro 2 and love it !


    Does anyone know of any trade-in programs being offered? I own a couple i1 Pro’s and wouldn’t mind trading one in for the 2.

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