JVC D-ILA HDR "Calibration"

JVC D-ILA HDR "Calibration"

Home Forums Calibration Discussion By Brand JVC D-ILA HDR "Calibration"

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  • #816

    As I now posess a Murideo as well I want to open a thread here about HDR-Calibrating JVC X 5000 (RS400 in the states).

    Anyone who has experience in doing this is welcome to share his thoughts.
    I am gonna use Centerstage XD in 120inch width.

    What I want to do is use 60-80% of the max Lightoutput of the projector for reference White and anything above for Highlights.
    Also – I will use the Gamma EQ of the JVC Projector Calibration Software to calibrate and try to roll off rather than clipp in the Area of 1000Nits (Signal).


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  • Author
  • #3240
    Gregg Loewen

    hi Martin
    I teach this technique in the HDR portion of the class. Do not use the JVC software…
    you want to do Arve curves, with the Arve software. I will attach directions here.
    This series of PJs works well with the JVC software if the JVC gamma is not good out of the box (seems to deteriorate over time…but only some times).


    Gregg Loewen

    here you go.


    Does the Arve Tool simply adjust Gamma by aplying it’s Settings on the native Gamma that is created in the JVC-Autocal Procedure?
    I mean…how can I fix Grayscale while I use Arve? When Arve creates custom Gamma…what about keeping track of D65?

    Gregg Loewen

    you do a 2 point gray scale adjustment in the White balance menu. The Arve creates a custom gamma curve which you then upload to the PJ. You will need to select custom gamma and Import to use this custom gamma

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