LG Plasma – 2/20 point controls did not work

LG Plasma – 2/20 point controls did not work

Home Forums Calibration Discussion By Brand LG Plasma – 2/20 point controls did not work


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  • #769

    This was an 8 yr old set
    it failed & the customer had it serviced & 4 boards were replaced
    as I tried to calibrate ISF Expert 1/2, didn’t matter whether I chose 2 or 20 point none of the controls made any difference
    control range was -50 to +50, I needed more green @30IRE, at +50 hadn’t made any difference
    tried different meter just to be sure (calibrated his Epson 8350 PJ just fine afterwards)

    I can only assume that changing the boards caused this


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  • Author
  • #3143
    Gregg Loewen

    the 2 point doesnt work either ?
    If so, time for call for re repair.
    Sorry I cant be of more assistance.


    Mark, you might try going to LG’s website and see if there is a firmware set that you can download and install via the USB port on the unit.

    But it strikes me that requiring 4 boards to fix a problem is ridiculous. That almost always means the “tech” really had no idea what he was doing. Add to that, the fact that LG practically NEVER issues a replacement part withe exact same part number as the original. This seemed to be especially true for Digital Main boards, which is where the firmware resides. It’s almost always a radically different part number, yet it’s physically the same and usually has the right firmware, if sent as a replacement. But not always, and this sounds to me like exactly what you have.

    And yeah, I would agree with Gregg that this is the previous servicer’s responsibility, but good luck with that.

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