Optoma HD81 DLP front projector

Optoma HD81 DLP front projector

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  • #197

    I was talking to a guy this week, He tells me that I do not need to calibrate his Optoma HD81 DLP front projector. He says that he paid extra money to have this done at the factory?

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  • #1042

    I was on the phone with someone asking me about pioneer Plasma HDTV’s
    He was thinking about buying one of these’s sets
    Pioneer PDP6071HD 60 inch PureVision Plasma HDTV
    Pioneer KURO PDP5010FD 50 inch 1080p Flat Panel Plasma HDTV
    I would like to after him professional calibration. can I Enter the service menu to calibrate the TV grayscale or CMS and not void the warranty here.


    Wow! The factory knew what screen he was using, the exact dynamics of his sources, as well as the ambient light conditions of his room, personal preferences, etc.

    Optoma has a good schtick going if they are charging extra for “factory calibration”. Maybe I can start charging for a test bench calibration, then again for on-site?


    Yeah, that’s a good one.

    Ultimately, you can’t force anyone to do anything. You might be able to drop some unique and valid questions about the person’s choices that make him question what he did … or just raise doubt in his mind. Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt. They call that FUD …

    The points are legitimate though … and the people that think this way should have some answers for you …



    You can calibrate the regular pioneers just fine from the service menu … just do not trust readings in there.

    Have also been told to stay away from the cuts … I recall … and only play with drivers….

    Or whatever … the ones at 512 to start … leave those alone. Only do the ones that start at 256 or less.



    The screen is a used 120″ hdtv da-lite from ebay. With the projector 19′ away from the center. In a all lights off room. The store told him they can send the unit out to have the ISF done.


    No one can stop people from lying or saying stupid or ignorant things.

    We can only really control the things that we say and do.

    If people believe that … let them keep believing in it. Just ask your innocent questions and see what the response would be.



    Maybe see if he will let you “verify” what the factory did, for your own education. Then use the results you see to guide him towards using your better services.

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