PTAE7000 projector how is it?

PTAE7000 projector how is it?

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  • #563

    Any tech here have experience with the new Panasonic PTAE70003D projector and how it performs. Just wondering.

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  • #2367

    There’s an extensive review from Phil Hinton of the PT-AT5000 here. The PT-AT5000 is the euro/UK version of the PTAE7000 so much of the review should still be relevant.

    Gregg Loewen

    hi guys
    I did a podcast yesterday with the AVforum guys where tey were absolutely raving about the Panny. Good stuff to hear. Also keep an eye out for the new Epson which will have limited release by Christmas. It looked amazing at CEDIA. I have not seen the new JVC, Panny, or Sony offerings to compare.


    Sorry to have missed you on that Gregg, all the family were down with a bug! I’ll listen once Phil has edited down/

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