Samsung Demo Mode

Samsung Demo Mode

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  • #663

    I had a client just text me that he was wiping the screen on his Samsung plasma and all of a sudden it went into demo mode.

    Anyone seen this before? Saw some procedures to take it off demo mode, but will this wipe the settings on the display? I wish Samsung had lockable settings….

    I am 600km away from the client and no way of going back in some time. I have all the settings noted down and he has a copy, but I don’t think the client is too happy to key in those settings as its 2D and 3D and with the 10point greyscale.

    It is a PN-64D8000.

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  • Author
  • #2734

    Any feedback on this guys? The client has keyed in the settings but believes that the blacks are now grey.


    So is it your fault he messed up his own tv? 🙁


    Some of the sets have a black level setting … and one might elevate blacks … check that.



    @Michael TLV 3800 wrote:

    So is it your fault he messed up his own tv? 🙁

    Good one Micheal:) Will get him to check on the black level setting. I’m pretty sure I passed that to him.

    This is a fussy customer. Someone (something he heard in a local forum) told him that there is a way to back up settings on a Samsung from the EEPROM that I can flash back if something like this happened. I did not know that the Samsungs could do that to save settings that can be reflashed.

    Gregg Loewen

    hi V
    I have not heard of this reflashing process.
    Tell him that there was a reason why you documented all the settings and this is the very reason why you documented. Tell him that he should be very happy that he hired a professional such as your self that would go beyond the necessary to do the documentation.



    Thanks Guys..

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