Samsung PS50C550 plasma – setting correct color/tint

Samsung PS50C550 plasma – setting correct color/tint

Home Forums Calibration Discussion By Brand Samsung PS50C550 plasma – setting correct color/tint

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    Can someone help me please how to set correct colour / tint values for this plasma?

    After setting whitepoint, grayscale and gamma were excellent, with some blacks coming darker at 10%. Gamma oscilated around 2.4, the brighter parts were a little brighter, but not coming below 2.2 at any point.
    The pre-calibration readings of the color gamut in movie mode ( colourtone = warm2 ) showed that although the color looked not bad visually with settings 50 for colour and G50/R50 for tint, the profiled D3 measured all colours deep down in Chromapure ( colour luminance was below -40% for all colours ) . What would you do in such case? I tried to go up with the colour setting from 50 to 84, all colour luminance improved and red was 0.3 off the target. Other colours improved as well according to the meter/chromapure and went up ( some above the 0%, some stayed below, but improved ). But going up with the colour caused the chromaticity ( chart ) got screwed. I have played back some reference material and the setting 84 for colours ( matching at least red luminance for flesh tones ) caused red and other colours to be oversaturated. That meant, luminance of the could be closer to the targets, but chromaticity was damaged. I have set it back down to 51, using 4 movie sequences, which I know very well. Usually I dont touch the Tint setting, but when calibrating I try go up/down one or two values and checking the secondaries chromaticity changes on the chart. Here I settled for G51/R49, that was not perfect, but 2 the secondaries improved a little in the right direction.

    What would you recommend to do beyond my approach to easier determine the correct colour/tint settings?

    Copying text from other calibrator who was calibrating US model of the C550 and regarding colours he wrote: “…Color, however, was a bit problematic. As with the Samsung PN-C7000 plasma I reviewed recently, with the color set the way the measurements suggested real program material looked far too rich and colored. Perhaps Samsung has implemented a more aggressive auto color function and kept it hidden in these latest models; but for whatever reason, it is necessary to back off the color from the measured perfect levels in order to have a more natural looking picture.”


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  • #2854

    Since no one’s jumping in…

    It sounds like the color control is targeting saturation…luminance much less so. You did not mention what was happening to Delta E 94/2000 …but this is key. Also, where were you coming in with the blue filter method (blue only mode?)?

    Lastly…brightness set?…only double checking because of the dark gamma on the bottom end and you did not mention it along with the others that you did.


    @Charles Cooper 3948 wrote:

    Since no one’s jumping in…

    It sounds like the color control is targeting saturation…luminance much less so. You did not mention what was happening to Delta E 94/2000 …but this is key. Also, where were you coming in with the blue filter method (blue only mode?)?

    Lastly…brightness set?…only double checking because of the dark gamma on the bottom end and you did not mention it along with the others that you did.

    Hi, thanks

    Yeah, actually my fault was to ignore the blue only mode, that could save me a lot of time. Regarding colour, I have only this to show you what happened with the colours, when I turned the colour from 50 to 84 setting:

    Whitepoint was very close to 6504 and the RGB histogram was excellent, with the mentioned small issue at 10% ( dE was 0-1 from 90%-20%, dE at 10% was 5 ). Calibrated in total darkness, brightness was set to 55, as there was no issue with the black pluge and turning brightness to 55 helped a lot to gamma curve in the darker parts. It may be correctable with more experimenting, but It was a non-issue in comparison to the colour problem.




    Try to change to model number of the TV into a 6 series and that that may open up CMS controls. You may lose some functionality elsewhere though … like losing all component video inputs.



    @Michael TLV 3951 wrote:


    Try to change to model number of the TV into a 6 series and that that may open up CMS controls. You may lose some functionality elsewhere though … like losing all component video inputs.


    Thanks Michael, is there a guide on these forums how to change the model number of a TV?

    Going back to the colour issue, it looks like colour setting can affect the color luminance and color saturation in different ratio with a different TV set. And as Charles has mentioned – if this happens, blue only mode ( blue filter glasses ) would help to set the colour setting right ( together with watching a reference material ). Regarding measuring, if the RGBCMY color luminance is too low ( in my case below 40% ), what would you recommend to turn up/down to correct it? Brightness? Contrast? Cell Light? Gamma?



    No there isn”t any guide to changing the model number. If you get into the SM and bum around, you might see it. Then you are on your own there.

    Color control on TVs both shrink and expand the triangle as well as make (some) colors brighter when those can’t expand anymore. Tint pretty much just rotates the triangle clockwise and counterclockwise … as was demonstrated in the class.

    Setting color with a meter … done based on the color red. Increase or decrease color until red gets to close to zero. Then measure all the other colors to see how they were impacted. If doing this leaves some colors still too bright and others too dim … then you just eyeball it with your reference material. and that is all you can do.

    If you want to adjust gamma or contrast or brightness to affect the color saturation, I will come and slap you for not listening in class. 🙂

    Canvas – Paint … Canvas – Paint

    cell light setting on plasma sets should be at max … be it 10/10 or 20/20.

    For a refresher of all the important material covered in the class, it is highly recommended that you consider the 26 part Video Calibration Training series.



    Thanks Michael, I wanted this kind of answer 🙂

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