Sharp LC52SE94

Sharp LC52SE94

Home Forums Calibration Discussion By Brand Sharp LC52SE94

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  • #448

    I’m working on my next piece towards my 10 required. Getting the Grayscale ok but gamma does a over under. avg 2.18 34.85fl
    My main problem is with CMS. Green is off norh and left. I read that when doing Grayscale to leave the Green as it is reference for the set. But i have to increase gains in Blue/Red so much that (it appears) everything is oversaturated. If I were to pull down the Gain on Green instead of driving everything else up to meet it. Would that pull my numbers in? Worth a try or am I wasting my time.

    Thanks in advance:confused:

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  • #1920

    I actually own this set. The red one that is. There is an ISF mode in the TV but the Movie mode gives the best gamma.

    The CMS only half works so do not try to work miracles. There is no cms brightness control. The Saturation control does double duty as a brightness control too.

    When you do grayscale … try not to increase any of the gain controls … only decrease. Increase means turning up the contrast which sends you into discoloration or clipping territory.

    Still worth while to play in the ISF mode to get a feel for things.

    For CMS … best you will get in in the range of 3 to 4 for some colors … others will get under 3 …



    how do i get into ISF mode? USER – tweaked in the service menu?


    The info is in the service menu section of this site.


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