Sony 600ES vs 1100ES

Sony 600ES vs 1100ES

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  • #756

    Hi Guys,
    I just wonder if anyone has installed one of them or maybe compared?
    I wonder if it’s worth to invest and will customer see the difference?
    Will it be a huge difference assuming 1080P source vs. currently installed 95ES.


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  • #3103

    Probably not a huge difference considering 1080p sources. There may be new capabilities to the new models that improve image quality, but generally it’s still too early to invest in a 4K display unless there’s money to burn. The UHD Blu-ray Disc standards still aren’t fully settled yet. No one looking for a 4K display upgrade should even consider a candidate that is not at least a 10 bit native device. What is the owner’s primary seating location viewing angle to the screen?


    I just did an 1100 and have done a few 600s. The on/off CR of the 1100 measured better, almost splitting the difference between the 600 and the JVCs. It was capable of tons of light output, but it was projecting onto a 6.0 rated gain SilverStar screen, so much of that might be thanks to the screen.

    I don’t remember anything else besides CR that might make a visible improvement with 1080P.

    3D didn’t measure well, being very warm when looking through the activated glasses.

    Gregg Loewen

    hi guys
    I did a 600 this week…I got 29 fL on a 10 foot ish 16×9 1.0 gain screen……it is a frkn light cannon. the customer was quite happy.
    It was replacing a 95 which was at 17 fL.


    hi, thanks for comments, we made direct comaprision with 95ES and 500ES (in EU). In the same room/screen and switching the same source back and forth.
    But to be honest there’s nothing to compare. Using Oppo 1080P source the 500es just killed us with the quality. 95es looked dull and blurry.
    It’s not tiny difference it’s a knock ‘down!
    I’m impressed how fast technology grows and how quickly Sony flagship from 2012 has been defeated.



    You will find that all up-conversion from 1080p to 3820p is NOT created equal. The Sony projectors and Oppo disc players DO NOT up-convert to 3820p as well as Lumagen’s Radiance processors that have UHD support. AVRs and other devices that offer UHD up-conversion may not even be as good at it as the Sony and Oppo products. If you want to see 1080p at its very best, turn off UHD up-conversion in all other devices and use a Lumagen Radiance UHD processor to do the up-conversion. It takes the UHD experience at least 1 level higher. AND… the Lumagen UHD Radiance processors also include Darbee Visual Presence processing. Add THAT on top of Lumagen’s superior 3820p up-conversion raises the final results yet another level. 1080p images get so good you wonder if you really need native 3820p sources. And right now, lacking native UHD sources (other than Sony’s movie offering), UHD video displays are all about how much magic they can inject into 1080p sources.


    UHD is 2160p, or 3840 x 2160. 1080 x 2 = 2160

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