SpectraCal eeColor Image Processor

SpectraCal eeColor Image Processor

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    What are the REAL improvements of the new SpectraCal eeColor Image Processor over standard gamma and CMS correction?

    Can a trained calibrator manually enhance the so-called perceived brightness (color) in different lighting environments?

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  • #2094

    From what I have read, the product is still in its infancy and does not have the smarts to adapt to every viewing environment. It actually just uses built in profiles and hopes to come close …

    Problem is … what the device does cannot be measured by instruments in a persons home. The human eye can get fooled … but the instruments quite often don’t. Especially considering that the eyes see the whole environment while the instrument only sees a much smaller slice.

    Some things we already know about brighter rooms … harder to see shadow detail (so we boost the brightness control) and it shrinks the color palette (so we need to go with a larger color triangle to compensate.) How much the triangle gets shrunk depends on the room …



    The only thing we, as calibrators, are supposed to be able to do is measure 21 points of white plus 21 points of the primaries. So far they have to be manually input in the ee software and then downloaded as new LUTs to the ee box. Unfortunately I have two problems. First, I haven’t found away to input the reads manually to the software, and second, my ee box is hugely out of wack. I allowed a Cinespace rep to play with it last month at Level 2 school, he was using some Cinespace software (I assume), and my have done something to the box if that is even possible.

    When I got the box home (I’m the first Spectracal customer) the picture looked terrible. I measured iScan Duo signals direct to a display and then ran the same patterns through the ee box with the processing set at 0 (zero) which supposedly turns processing OFF. The attachment is the result. EE & Spectracal is not having the same problem so the box is going back for exchange.

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