Strange Colors with HTPC as a source while BR-Player is okay after Calibration.

Strange Colors with HTPC as a source while BR-Player is okay after Calibration.

Home Forums Calibration Discussion By Brand Strange Colors with HTPC as a source while BR-Player is okay after Calibration.

  • Creator
  • #777

    Hey there…
    I got a question here…

    I calibrated a Clients TV (Samung SUHD).
    Everything works fine…but there is a Problem:

    My client uses some strange overpriced ready to go HTPC-Solution (MacroSystem).
    It seems to Output a shifted Colorspace.
    Everything Looks a bit oversaturated in Terms of Magenta and Red.
    As my Client also uses this Piece of shit (german Engineering) for satelite TV …I Need to find a solution…

    Would be great if someone could help.
    There are no visible adjustments offered to Change the Video Signal that Comes out of the unit.

    Greeetings from Germany

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  • Author
  • #3171

    check the signaling input of TVand output signaling for HTPC ,Set them to Auto mode.

    Gregg Loewen

    Here are my thoughts:

    Does he have a BD player as a source in his HTPC? This could help trouble shoot a lot. What does this look like?

    The HTPC and its video card is screwing up the image (most likely). HTPCs generally suck. The HTPC and video card may have suggested settings ??

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