Visio VX37L Service Menu Request

Visio VX37L Service Menu Request

Home Forums General Chit Chat and Other Stuff Visio VX37L Service Menu Request

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  • #240

    I’m trying to find the service menu on a Visio VX37L panel.

    So far I have tried the following with no success;

    Press and hold the button on the remote for 3 seconds then release it.
    Press the {1} {2} {3} buttons on the remote.
    The Service Menu will be displayed.
    Press the button to exit the Service Menu.

    Turn The TV off.
    Press and hold the {CH +} & {CH -} buttons on the TV.
    Then press and release the {POWER} button on the TV.
    Release the {CH +} & {CH -} buttons.
    Now press the {MENU} button on the remote.
    You should get your regular menu up, but with a “F” in the bottom right corner of the menu (This is for factory).
    Press and hold the {MENU} button for few seconds.
    The Service Menu will be displayed.

    Turn The TV off.
    Press and hold the {CH +} & {CH -} buttons on the TV.
    Then press and hold the {POWER} button on the TV.
    Keep all three buttons pressed for few secs.
    Now press the {MENU} button on the remote.
    You should get your regular menu up, but with a “F” in the bottom right corner of the menu (This if for factory).
    Press and hold the {MENU} button for few seconds.
    The Service Menu will be displayed.

    …Please advise, thanks.

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  • Author
  • #1167

    So, I went to do this set without the service codes. All went pretty well except after initially have a very interested client primed to attend the calibration so that I could explain what I was doing. I ended up with a hung over client that went to take a nap during the calibration no matter how hard I tried to explain that they would have a very hard time understanding the service if they didn’t see me/it in process.

    Sure enough, the client woke up and came out to see what to them was a dramatically darker (bad) looking image. I suppose that this could have been worse if perhaps I had not been there still. But, I was and I was able to pull up the reports and explain everything reasonably well.

    The clients final comment to me was something along the lines of; I’m sorry for yelling and guess I should have believed you when you said that I needed to be educated on the process. So my take away on this is, knowing that this won’t be the last time that a client ducks me, is to be prepared to explain what you’ve done after the fact without the tools and everything still fired up and running. Oh yea, and have a THX disc as the client was really looking forward to watching an episode Desperate House Wives on Comcast.

    Happy Calibrating!

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