Re: Panasonic Plasma VT25 Series

Re: Panasonic Plasma VT25 Series

Home Forums Calibration Discussion By Brand Panasonic Plasma VT25 Series Re: Panasonic Plasma VT25 Series


I calibrated the THX mode, adjusting gray scale on the service side. It is the same procedure I have used on the last few lines of Panny PDP’s.
I am not interested in the ISFccc mode until it is out of beta testing and deemed reliable and/or necessary.
This particular client was not interested in a day setting as he has control over the ambient light in his viewing room. Normally I would adjust the Custom mode for a day (albeit a compromised) setting. As I tell all of my clients, reference viewing will only happen in a darkened room environment. I will set up a day setting if I determine more light output will be needed during day time hours. Again, explaining to my clients the compromises involved with a less than an ideal viewing environment.

As has been mentioned many times by Gregg, Michael and many others, education of the client is absolutely essential in helping us separate ourselves from the BB’s of the world. Especially when we have to compete against free! 😡